Tuesday, June 4, 2013

O'Hara's in Westwood--Just Like Hooters?

Hey guys,

I came across this video that has to do with the Burger and Boobs group's presentation. Basically, a female bartender at O'Hara's, the local bar in Westwood, is suing the bar for the inappropriate dress code, fans that would blow the female's skirts and expose them, and other policies in the bar. The reporter says that the O'Hara's policies were established to boost sales.

I think this shows another example about how the industry caters to men, allowing not only to consume food and drinks but also their bodies--to make money. Sex sells. Also, I felt that the example of Hooters feels far removed from UCLA and the students here. However, it's clear that the objectification of women can hit very close to home.


1 comment:

  1. Yeah it's interesting how women are objectified to fulfill male desires so close to UCLA! And in recent times society is "supposedly" moving away from oppressing women...
